Why Gut Health is LIKELY Our Problem with Dr. Vincent Pedre

As a kid who knew he wanted to be a doctor, Dr. Vincent Pedre often looked up to doctors. However, throughout his years he encountered a lot of obstacles (like an extreme fear of needles) to taking the “western” route to medicine. This lead him to discover his autonomic nervous system and ways to heal his fears and stress by way of training his nervous system. These discoveries altered his path, ultimately landing him to practice a mix of both eastern and western medicines.
Why is Mindfulness So Critical to Practice and Why is it So Hard for Us to Do?
There are a lot of techniques, and the importance lies in what you do should always meet you in where you are in the moment. Right now in life, the box breath might not work for you. You might need a different type of breathing right now. It becomes harder to do these mindfulness practices when you are doing the wrong practice — or when you have become complacent to the practices you’ve always done. It’s also just a harder time to be alive right now, especially with the presence of so many distractions (like the smart phones and internet, etc.)
“If you’re waiting for the moment when you feel like it, that day is not arriving. It’s never going to be perfect.”
If you wait until the timing is perfect for you to be mindful, you’re missing the mark. You have to break through this by taking what Dr. Vincent Pedre calls step-wise activations. Start with a baby step, like setting a 2 minute timer to just close your eyes and breathe.
What is the Proper Way to Breathe When Doing Breath-work?
When you’re doing breath-work, it’s important to understand how to breathe to get your body into the relaxed mode. In order to access that part of your nervous system, you need to breathe like a baby and breathe with your belly first. Inhale through your nose in a way that makes your belly goes out (not your chest). This is what is so important about breath-work.
Is Breath-work Connected to Gut Health?
A lot of us eat immediately after doing something that engages us. For example, we will work immediately after work, or while we are hyped up from something else. But when we do this, we are eating on the same vibration as everything else. We don’t take a minute to slow down before we eat to prep our body for digestion. It’s a non-negotiable (YES, even as a type A) that you first focus on your breath-work and mindfulness in your journey to heal your gut. Even something as simple as a three deep breaths before you eat will make a difference. It’s important to reach the intentionality because you cannot heal in a fight or flight state that we operate from so often. We need to get into a ventral vagal mode, where your body is being told it’s safe and it’s okay to relax and function as it’s supposed to. This will absolutely help digestion and the mind-body-gut connection is absolutely the most important.
Almost every chronic degenerative disease is connected to the gut, because of leaky gut. Things like:
- Autoimmune disease
- Allergies
- Airway issues
- Skin issues
- Psoriasis + eczema
- Infections (sinus, etc.)
- Mental fog/memory
- Dementia
- Migraines
- Depression/anxiety, etc.
- Achy joints
Does Gut Health Automatically Mean Parasites?
Parasites are more common than we know…and they are also really hard to diagnose from a typical doctors office. Do not trust the standard basic test. You need to do a stool PCR test in order to more correctly diagnose parasites. Treating them can make a HUGE difference in your health. Where other doctors might put you on immunosuppressants, a doctor that works on healing your gut, can actually FIX the problem.
How Do We Know If We Have A Problem?
Dr. Vincent Pedre has a GutSMART Quiz as a bonus to his new book The GutSMART Protocol you can take and if you test moderate or severe on the quiz, you more than likely have leaky gut. Listen, just 5 days of a standard antibiotic can take up to 12 months to repair! Inside the book also has actions and recommendations, etc. for what you should eat and do to help yourself depending on what your test score is.
All of this and more on this episode!
Make sure to grab Dr. Vincent Pedre’s New Book!
About Dr. Vincent Pedre
Dr. Vincent M. Pedre, Medical Director of Pedre Integrative Health and President of Dr. Pedre Wellness, is a Board-Certified Internist in private practice in New York City since 2004. His philosophy and practices are a blend of both Western and Eastern medical traditions. He is a Clinical Instructor in Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, as well as certified in yoga and Medical Acupuncture. His unique combination of medicine is best described as integrative or defined by a functional, systems-based approach to health. With his holistic understanding of both sides of the equation, he can help each patient choose the best course of action for their ailments to provide both immediate and long-term relief. His holistic approach incorporates positive, preventative health and wellness lifestyle choices. Dr. Pedre Wellness is a growing wellness platform offering health-enhancing programs, along with informative social media and lifestyle products, such as dietary supplements, books and weight loss programs.
In this episode, you will learn:
- How to get into medication when you feel like you never have time.
- How to rewire if you are really stressed and amped up
- Why breath work through your nose is essential for proper oxygen
- Why eating and while stressed or while multitasking will not work for gut health
- Why we can’t HEAL in a ramped up stressed state
- Why healing from a ZEN state is non negotiable
- So much disease is connected to the GUT b/c of leaky gut
- Why we get YEAST infections
- How do you know what is happening with your gut “The gut smart quiz”
- Why a STOOL or GI mapping test may not be necessary
- How common are parasites and why are they so hard to diagnose?
- Why STOOL PCR with Genome Sequencing is the only way to rule out a parasite