What is Happening to Our Midlife Hormones? with Wise and Well

My go to hormone girls are Kristin and Maria at Wise + Well are one of my most downloaded podcasts, my most popular summit interview, AND my go to girls for all of my hormone questions. Today we dive even deeper on what the heck is happening to our hormones in midlife the Breast Cancer and Hormone Connection, The Benefits of Taking Hormones in Perimenopause and Menopause, Is It Too Late For Me to Start Taking Hormones?

So This Is 50! Aging Well Through Menopause with Laura Heikkila

I found Laura on Instagram and fell in love with the way she is living and walking the walk I am constantly sharing about. She is in her 50s and is doing ALL of the things as if age is NOT a factor (because it’s not!) Everyone always says “just wait until you turn 50!” right? But what the heck happens at 50?! Laura set out to document the process as she approached the age. And while there ARE some things that DO change at 50, it’s not doomsday like we believed it would be. 

Vaginal Rejuvenation in Midlife with Dr. Cheri Ong

I had Dr. Cheri Ong who I met almost a year ago at a vision retreat. I could NOT wait to get her on the show and dive deeper into “designer vaginas”. Yep! Designer vaginas. And if you’re in midlife, you’re going to want to hear what she has to say. Dr. Ong has a background in trauma surgery and plastic surgery. What she found was that there was a void in aesthetic labiaplasty (vaginal) surgeries. Despite so many of us never hearing about it, it’s one of the fastest growing (400x) types of procedures requested and is a highly underserved market. She dove deep and became an expert! 

Is it Perimenopause? with Dr. Jolene Brighten

Dr. Jolene Brighten is a hormone expert, nutrition scientist, and a thought leader in women’s medicine. She is board certified naturopathic endocrinologist and is trained in clinical sexology. She is the author of the book “Is This Normal” and I think that title is SO important to ask, and I know so many women are too shy to ask. So I was dying to learn more from her and was so excited to have her on the show. I really love how she shares her knowledge without placing any judgement on people’s decisions. I think you’ll love this episode!