Do We Need To Worry About EMF’s with Nick Pineault

You may have heard about Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) and what they can do to your body. I know I personally have A LOT of questions about them and how they are affecting us – do we need to be taking them seriously? How concerned should we be? And I found the EMF expert, Nick Pineault! He is the #1 bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and an advocate for safe technologies. The EMFs emitted by cell phones are not only potential cause for things like brain tumors, but also impact our hormones. There are definitely short term and long term risks to consider in regard to EMFs and what’s worse, is that even today, health regulatory agencies continue to claim that these exposures do nothing to the human body. 

Do EMFs Affect Everyone? 

Yes EMFs “affect” everyone, but not everyone FEELS it right away. Some people get headaches while talking on the phone. Everyone has the same exposure to risk whether or not they can FEEL it as easily as the next. Just like you can’t TASTE or FEEL the toxins in your food, you can’t always FEEL the EMFs. 

Do We Need to be Worried About EMFs with Nick Pineault pin

How Do EMFs Affect Our Health? 

The way phones work is by sending invisible signals to cell towers or WiFi. These signals, that are in the form of EMFs, are known to lead to problems in DNA repair, detoxification in cells, and a lowering in production of cellular energy. These external EMFs also affect our sleep quality by disrupting/interrupting our natural brain waves and thus, impacting our sleep. Over time, exposure does have an affect on our health. 

Most Dangerous EMF Exposures

The most dangerous EMF exposures are from devices that are TOUCHING your body. For instance, holding the phone up to your ear, holding the phone in your hand, keeping your phone in your pocket, wearing ear buds, etc. Cell phone radiation is an endocrine disruptor. In men, sperm count goes down when they keep a phone in their pocket. Women’s fertility and hormonal balance  is also impacted by carrying the phone in your pocket (or in your bra). There has also been instances where breast cancer has been found in quadrants of the breast where tumors are less likely to form, yet, they are forming almost in the shape of a cell phone! 

Do the Chips for Your Phones Work to Block EMFs? 

I fell into the ads for those little EMF blockers you can put on the back of your phone. But I learned in this interview that scientists are not currently backing the claims that these can help emit EMF exposure from your phones. It’s perhaps just another marketing snake oil opportunity 🙁 

How Can We Make Changes to Avoid These EMFs? 

  • Turn off your phone or put it on airplane mode (and disconnect WiFi) and Bluetooth before you go to sleep – or put it in another room if you do not want to keep it on airplane mode for emergencies. Make sure it’s at least 2 feet away from your bed. 
  • Consider what else is in your bedroom emitting EMFs. Anything wireless should be turned off when you sleep. Turn off your headphones, turn off your electronics, etc. 
  • Download the material you want on your phone ahead of time and keep your phone on Bluetooth when you’re carrying it so it isn’t downloading/sending mobile data via EMFs. 
  • Try to use your phone on speaker as much as possible. Limit the amount of time on your phone or your wireless earbuds. Try to use the old wired version of earbuds. 
  • Get a Shield Your Body or Defender Shield phone case.
  • Don’t use your laptop on your lap. Ideally, put it on a table when you’re using it. 
  • Get in nature more. Disconnect. Go off the grid. 

This and so much more on the podcast! 

Get the Digestion Stack I carry with me daily HERE

Nick Pineault is a man on a mission. A passionate advocate of safe tech and the bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, he’s busy raising awareness of the health problems associated with the electromagnetic pollution we’re exposed to by our smartphones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers and other electronic devices. 

Ahead of Nick’s upcoming EMF Hazards Summit (which this year highlights the hidden epidemic of electro-hypersensitivity), we sat down to talk about environmental toxins, his top 3 EMF mitigation strategies, and his chat with presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy on corruption at the Federal Communications Commission…

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Potential health impacts of EMF
  • What are ‘safe’ technologies we can use
  • How to reduce EMF waves
  • What devices are giving off the most EMF
  • Should we be more concerned now than before?

Are Using Hormones for Perimenopause and Menopause Helpful or Harmful? with Dr Anna Cabeca

The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG is back on Midlife Conversations today to talk about hormone replacement for women in perimenopause, menopause, and beyond. There is a lot of controversy around this topic but I am a firm believer in its ability to help us. There IS a right way to do things: from testing properly to following the right order of things. One of the things I LOVE about Dr. Anna Cabeca is that she is in alignment with that and she is SO GOOD at breaking things down in a simple, easy to understand and follow way – telling us only what we need to know and cutting through the information overload. 

Semaglutide, Ozempic, and Mounjaro – Are these the magic Obesity Solution? With Dr. Rocio Salas-Whalen

GLP-1’s were initially intended to treat Type 2 Diabetes. When Dr. Salas first started using GLP-1’s in her practice for diabetes, her patients were coming back with glucose under control AND had experienced weight loss. Prior to this, you had to tackle these two issues separately – you had to control glucose and find a way to lose weight. These medications are a synthetic hormone that helps to produce more insulin in your pancreas when your blood sugar goes up. They also increase your satiety hormone and decrease your hunger hormone – so you feel less hungry and feel more full. 

Enzymes and Correct Supplement Dosing with Doug Grant

Doug Grant is known as “The Formulator” and has made SUCH A BIG difference in my life in terms of testing and supplements. I mean, who knew that you’re actually supposed to FEEL your supplements when you take them?! Lol I didn’t – and never did, until I started taking his. They are such high quality supplements that I can actually FEEL the difference when I take them. I feel more alert, more energized, more focused. Not in a caffeine way…but just an extra edge in your performance. Come to find out, a lot of the supplements we can find out there (even if from a “good natural brand”) are synthetics and make it hard for our body to even use – if it even can!