Are Peptides the Key to Longevity, Reducing Biological Age and Inflammation with Regan Archibald

I know A LOT of us don’t even know what peptides are! But they are super important and are things we can be using to help us in the aging process for a number of things — like weight loss, cognitive function, longevity, building muscles, hormones, injury, pain, recovery — and the list goes on! Let’s dive in with Regan, who sees peptides as the future of medicine with their ability to change the cellular response!

How Continuous Glucose Monitoring Can Help with Your Weight, Mood, and Health with Kara Collier

I was SO looking forward to this interview because I’ve had a love/hate relationship with continuous glucose monitors (CGM)…if you’ve been following me…you know! BUT, I DO think there is a huge place for them to aide us in our health if used mindfully and responsibly in terms of preventative care. She was inspired to focus on this because during her time spent as a nutritionist in the ICU, about 80-90% of the patients she was seeing, were in there due to lifestyle related complications (from diabetes to hypertension, etc.) A lot of the time, it was simply too late to fix things that could have been prevented.

Why Gut Health is LIKELY Our Problem with Dr. Vincent Pedre

Dr. Vincent Pedre has a GutSMART Quiz as a bonus to his new book The GutSMART Protocol you can take and if you test moderate or severe on the quiz, you more than likely have leaky gut. Listen, just 5 days of a standard antibiotic can take up to 12 months to repair! Inside the book also has actions and recommendations, etc. for what you should eat and do to help yourself depending on what your test score is.