Cortisol and Stress in Midlife with Keri Glassman

Cortisol often gets a really bad wrap as just the bad belly fat stress hormone. BUT…cortisol is NOT a bad thing. Cortisol is actually a good thing…when it’s controlled properly and is doing the job it is supposed to do. When you’re producing the right amount at the right times, cortisol can also improve our energy, acts as an anti-inflammatory, helps with memory, helps to manage blood sugar and blood pressure, helps decrease pain, and increases motivation. It also helps with our immune system and brain function. 

Bye Bye Breast Implants

It’s time to go back to factory settings 😉 Dear TATAs, It’s time to say goodbye. You were my “confidence” booster at age 19. I hated being flat & you swooped in as the fix. It wouldn’t be until 33 years later that I would realize how bad of a decision this was for me. Although you’ll be shown off and worn proudly, you will need 6 more surgeries, you will be super expensive, and you have many complications…

Midlife Holiday Gift Guide

Finding the PERFECT “Fit Friendly” holiday gift for your health conscious family and friends can FEEL challenging, but it does not have to be HARD! Sooooo, I am going to make it super simple for you with some of my FAVORITE best selling recommendations (plus some discounts to go along with them!)  You can grab these as gifts or stock up on them for yourself (I won’t tell!)