Menopause Changes in Midlife with Emmy Award Winner Tamsen Fadal

Sometimes when you experience the symptoms that come along with menopause, like loss in confidence, memory loss, brain fog, sweating/hot flashes, heart palpitations, etc., it can be and feel really scary. You almost wonder — what is really going on?! Is it dementia? Is it a heart attack? What is happening?! Especially if you are not well versed in what the “common” symptoms you might encounter in menopause could be! KNOWING what you’re going through can only make it that much easier for you. It’s the NOT knowing of things that makes it so much more difficult. 

Juggling Doubt and Uncertainty with the Midlife Crisis Doctor Dr. Julie Hannan

Dr Julie Hannan is a Psychologist in private practice in the UK helping ‘midlifers’ aged 35-60 find their value, meaning, and purpose in life as they traverse the tricky terrain of their middle years.

When both her children left home within 4 months of each other, she found that her sense of purpose reduced, her love for her clinical work diminished and she experienced a midlife crisis with an overriding sense of feeling lost.