Aging Vision? Watch This Before Buying Glasses with Dr. Claudia Muehenweg
You know that moment when someone tells you everything you thought you knew might be… wrong? That’s exactly what happened in this mind-opening episode of Midlife Conversations.
Ever wondered if those reading glasses sitting on your nose right now are actually helping or hurting you? What if I told you there might be a natural way to see clearly without them?
Meet Claudia Muehlenweg, who’s about to challenge everything you’ve been told about vision care. She struggled with poor eyesight since childhood, but what she discovered could transform your approach to eye health forever.

Want to know why your sunglasses might be working against you? Or why natural light could be the key to crystal-clear vision?
Here’s the thing – you probably have so many questions running through your mind right now. Like, is this for real? Could I actually improve my vision naturally? What about all those years of wearing glasses?
Trust me, I was skeptical too. But you’ll want to catch this fascinating conversation, where Claudia reveals her groundbreaking methods and practical tips that could change how you care for your eyes forever.
The concept of “correcting” eye sight and vision, isn’t really accurate. You don’t really “correct” it. Eyes are a living, breathing organism that is impacted by everything we do – from what we eat, how we sleep, how much stress we have, etc. We can’t just train our eyes like we train our abs. When your vision gets blurry – your check engine light is coming on: what can you change? How can you improve? What is impacting it?
✅ Improve your eyesight in just 5 days and start on the path to never needing glasses or contacts again! Learn more HERE
Being nearsighted (where you can see up close fine but not see far away) is somewhat of an epidemic nowadays, but as you transition into midlife as you age, you start to experience more of the farsightedness (where it gets really hard to read up close).
When we are looking far away, our eye muscles are relaxed. When we are looking up close at something, our muscles shorten, tighten, and almost bulge. Our ancestors who spent time in nature would spend most of their time looking into the distance with a lot of natural light. In comparison, in modern days, we are always on a screen of some sort – whether a computer, a phone, etc. – and are inundated with artificial light. We are completely deficient in natural light hitting our eyes.
Does Wearing Glasses Worsen Your Eyesight?
Yes. Everyone who is wearing even reading glasses is making their eyesight worse at all distances. And progressives? They are even worse! If you’re working on improving your vision naturally, you should first try to increase your font size and increase your light…BUT…don’t let these become your crutch!
So Is It Good to Increase Your Font Size on Your Screens?
Not really, and especially not all of the time. It’s better to read smaller print. When you enlarge your font size to take up the whole screen (LOL, it’s me!) it’s easy to stare and not move your eyes because you can read the whole thing without ever moving your eyes. However, if your eyes are HEALTHY, they should be moving more rapidly…meaning smaller text. This is the goal.
Can I Improve My Vision Naturally if I’ve Had Lasix?
Yes. It doesn’t matter your age or what history you come with. You might not get back to 20/20 visual acuity which is what is considered “perfect vision” but you can (and will) improve your eye health, and vision. Our eyes are very soft tissues, our eye muscles are very strong, and our brains can create new neuropathways for new ways to perceive things.
How Can We Fix Our Vision Naturally with Relaxercises?
We already know that we improve the brain – and 90% of our vision is done through the brain! Consider what are the things that strain your eyes? What are the things that make your vision worse? Do less of these. What are the things that make your vision better? Do more of these. Rest your eyes. Reduce your stress. Do the rest and reset and hot dog exercises shown in the video. Step down your glasses level. Refrain from wearing sunglasses except when under extreme conditions (skiing, eyes dilated from the doctor, on the ocean, etc.) Only wear your contacts and glasses when you absolutely NEED to wear them but try to navigate as much as possible WITHOUT them. Watch your blood sugar. Eat healthy foods. Avoid toxins.
This and so much more on this episode!
✅ Improve your eyesight in just 5 days and start on the path to never needing glasses or contacts again! Learn more HERE